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amstel design


amstel design district

Welcome to Amstel Design District (ADD), our newest Life Science development. A next step in our journey towards creating a vibrant and innovative mixed-use district. With state-of-the-art laboratory facilities, versatile work areas and 389 housing units, this site adds endless opportunities to the future-facing Amsterdam frontier.


Get in touch: (+31) 085 34 56 789


add space

ADD provides ample space to bring your work-life vision to life. Our site combines laboratory space with working space and housing, complemented by our ByDesign Museum and versatile facilities like fitness, wellness, a meditation hall, food court and an elevated basketball court. Creating the environment for a well balanced, innovative and international community.

45.000 m2 of Paris Proof laboratory space creates a fertile base for life science endeavours to thrive. ADD also provides unique short stay-, medium income rent- and free sector housing opportunities, with priority position for anyone working on-site. All build upon freehold land.

Whether you’re seeking a place to work, live, or bring your life science business to new heights, our dynamically designed spaces cater to your every need.

ADD provides 45.000 m2 of dynamic laboratory space, with 4.2 meter high ceilings and all appropriate pipes and suction systems in place. These spaces are built Paris Proof, to commit to an energy-efficient and sustainable environment and can also be used as office space.


Amstel Design District view from water

Entrance Amstel Design District

Museum and rooftop basketball-court


Outdoor Yoga and Bootcamp

Catwalk connecting buildings

ADD from highway

Bird's-eye view Amstel Design District



add people

Here, people come together to create, collaborate, and grow. Conveniently located in close proximity to prestigious universities and colleges, our community is a stimulating environment for international and intellectual exchange.

ADD is easily accessible by all means of transportation. Close to the Overamstel subway station, with more than 1,3 millions passengers every week and only one stop away from the EMA head office. A short 30 minute transit away from Schiphol airport, ADD is situated right in the center of your international network.

Engage with like-minded individuals, forge partnerships, and tap into a web of bright minds from all fields.

ADD lies at the knowledge heart of the city, with universities and colleges in close proximity. With the freedom to establish knowledge-partnerships with any or all of these prestigious educational institutions. Easy access to young, international talent makes this the ideal spot for life science companies to root and grow.


add inspiration

Inspiration is key to ADD. The architectural design of the buildings and the on-site byDesign museum will fuel your imagination, while the wellness and fitness facilities will ease your body and mind. Located within the city ring, just a mere 10 minutes away from the bustling heart of Amsterdam, ADD offers an enriching environment that stimulates the senses and ignites ambition.

Unleash your imagination in a place that seamlessly merges tranquility and inspiration with the energy of a thriving metropolis.

The Amsterdam city center is just a short bike ride away. Reaching the center within 10 minutes creates the ultimate flexibility to dive into the city’s unparalleled energy whenever you want and escape from it ever so easily whenever you need.



add in numbers

  • 45.000 m2 of dynamic laboratory space.
  • 154 short stay, 135 medium income rent and 100 free market apartments.
  • 30 minute transit from Schiphol airport
  • 10 minute bike ride from Amsterdam city center.
  • 1 minute walk from Overamstel subway station.
  • 1 subway stop away from EMA head office.



Connecting Concepts has always focussed on connecting people, creating spaces with facilities that aim to inspire and enhance communication, making visitors instantly become part of the story.

With our newest LIFE SCIENCE development, the Amstel Design District or ADD, we just take the next logical step forward.


The sensational design by Mecanoo Architects is in every respect an excellent translation 
of our ambitions for this large mixed-use development: a living/working community that aspires to become an example, if not a household name in the Amsterdam metropolis.

In the designs of Mecanoo one finds next to a an out-of-the public eye start up and coworking community publicly accessible spaces, through various facilities such as byDesign, an innovative Dutch Design Museum and sports, yoga and mindfulness facilities that are important for the well-being of users and visitors, who connect and inspire, who promote working and living together, but also have an eye for personal development and awareness.

the buildings

The names of the six buildings of the ADD-complex are closely related to our ideas of what Amstel Design District should promote and reflect: the art of DESIGN.

The Dream

Each design and developing process begins with a dream. The building will offer 
a nirvana for designers and developers.

The Energy

This building will offer all facilities that promote physical wellness: gym, fitness 
and wellness.

The Space

The name of this building, the largest of ADD, refers to the space needed in 
hearts and minds to successfully design and develop.

The Inspiration

To boost inspiration and creativity, the two upper floors of the 70 m1 high-rise will house the Mediation Hall to find peace of mind and fight burn-outs.

The Generous

This building will house a CoWorking, and its name refers to hospitality, inclusiveness, sharing and working together as a fundamental and essential condition for each design and development process.

The Narrative

Ultimately, the result of the design and development process will be its final design, with its story to tell: in this building one will also find the byDesign Museum.

the byDesign Museum

The first collection will consist of works from 34 top designers in The Netherlands, it will start as a placemaking-facility while construction is ongoing. Future expositions will be open to international artists. Our motto is: content above wrapping, renewables above new. The byDesign Museum offers a platform for Dutch designers who, with the choice of their materials prove that they take sustainability, recycling, and an inclusive society seriously. They minimalize their footprint and are an example of what Dutch design stands for: circular, innovative, courageous, and sometimes provocative, open to non-western cultural influences, with a touch of humor. Some use natural products from our seas, fields, and forests as a basis for their designs, others reuse textiles, building debris, clothes, beach wood and much more to prove that the elements of their work can be found at random, and don’t have to be produced anew. It is not about the effect, but about the combination of creativity and workable use. In other words, not l’art pour l’art.


Western countries, have an increasing individualistic culture, and have been hardest hit by the phenomenon of burnouts, caused by striving for achievement and perfectionism and recently fuelled by loneliness caused by the pandemic. We intend to fight this phenomenon by creating a 6 m1 high ceiling MeditationHall on the top floor of the highest building. Seventy meters above sea level, refugee Tibetan monks will teach and guide meditation. Regular guided meditations open for public, like morning and evening meditation, to start and end the day, to fight burn-outs and help focusing on what really matters. Visiting adults and school children will be introduced to new ways of looking at the world by spiritual teachers who believe measuring a country’s national happiness is more important than measuring its national product. There will be room for classrooms for language courses, cultural exchange, debating, presentations and lectures. The MeditationHall will also be home to other activities and services, e.g., yoga, Reiki, Balancing, acupuncture and homeopathy.

Innovation districts map




But there is more at the new Amstel Design District. There is room for beginners, scale-ups, and the established order, who meet each other in a natural way and become each other’s stakeholders. A flexible residential-work complex that can adapt to the changing needs of the future, taking maximum account of our wishes in the field of nature inclusivity, sustainability, and circularity, both ecologically and socially, but also in the sense that future-changing insights about use can be implemented without major adjustments, such as transforming workspace into living space and vice versa.

In the outlines of the sketch design, we see our preferred ‘corona-proof’ development; an excellent opportunity to underline our relevance towards ‘the new normal’ - with maximum working from home and perhaps regularly recurring lockdowns.

In short, we find all our ambitions and dreams in the plans of the worldwide renowned agency Mecanoo. Amstel Design District is a strongly conceptual, architectural, future-oriented whole. The design was made on the clear urban plan of bureau KettingHuls and in addition, in coordination with Supervision; Tess Broekman, and the municipality of Ouder-Amstel.

frequently asked questions

Is de grond erfpacht of eigen grond?

Het is eigen grond, eigendom van PGZ, Merellaan 1, Son en Breugel.

Hoe ver bent u van het openbaar vervoer verwijderd?

Metrostation 50meter.

– Amsterdam Amstel station 2km.
– Met de auto naar de A10 – 3 minuten
– Met de auto naar Schiphol – 15/20 minuten
– Met de auto naar Amsterdam centrum 10/15 minuten
– Met de fiets naar Amsterdam centrum 15minuten, E-Bike 8 minuten
– Openbaar vervoer naar Schiphol 15 minuten.

Wat is de status van het bestemmingsplan fase 1, de life science?

Bestemmingsplan fase 1 voorziet in 45.000m2. Life Science ruimte en is in 2021 onherroepelijk vastgesteld.

Wat is de status van het bestemmingsplan fase 2, de woningen?

Bestemmingsplan fase 2 voorziet in 35.000m2. veelal woningen en Short Stay appartementen, dit wordt naar verwachting onherroepelijk vastgesteld in de tweede helft van 2024.

Wat is de planning van fase 1 de life science, wanneer kan een huurcontract ingaan?

Het bestemmingsplan is onherroepelijk vastgesteld in 2021. Er kan een omgevingsvergunning aangevraagd worden, waar na goedkeuring de bouwwerken kunnen starten. Bouwtijd ca. 2,5 jaar.

Wat is de planning van fase 2 de woningen?

Naar verwachting wordt het bestemmingsplan fase 2 onherroepelijk vastgesteld in de tweede helft 2024, waarna de omgevingsvergunning voor de woningen kan worden aangevraagd. Bouwtijd ca. 2,5 jaar.

Kan fase 1 gebouwd worden voordat fase 2 gereed is?

Ja dat is mogelijk, er zijn geen beperkingen.

Kan fase 2 gebouwd worden voordat fase 1 gereed is?

Ja dat is mogelijk, er zijn geen beperkingen.

Welke milieucategorie kan er op het ADD gevestigd worden?

Wij mogen in fase 1 bedrijven tot milieucategorie 3.2 vestigen. Natuurwetenschappelijk speur- en ontwikkelingswerk komt overeen met milieucategorie 2, dus dat kan bij het ADD gevestigd worden.

Welke soorten labo kan je binnen het ADD vestigen?

– Scheikundig laboratorium
– Natuurkundig laboratorium
– Biologisch laboratorium
– Klinisch-chemisch laboratorium
– Kwaliteitslaboratorium
– Ziekenhuislaboratorium
– Forensisch laboratorium
– Bouwfysisch laboratorium

Is de laboratorium inrichting al voorzien?

Nee, dit zijn voorzieningen die de huurder zelf aan moet brengen. De ruimtes worden casco+ opgeleverd.

Wat zijn de mogelijkheden voor broedplaatsen en startups?

Er worden speciale ruimtes ingericht voor broedplaatsen en we bieden diverse faciliteiten voor startups en scale-ups.

Wat is de verdeling kantoren/labo?

Dit kunt u zelf bepalen, de vloeren zijn multifunctioneel, dus zowel als kantoor of als laboratorium in te richten.

Wat is de (vrije) plafondhoogte?

De vloer- op vloerhoogte is 4,20m

De vrije hoogte is afhankelijk van de techniek die u onder het plafond hangt. Zowel de vloer-op-vloerhoogte van de kantoren als van de laboratoria is 4,20m. Kantoren zullen een hogere vrije plafondhoogte hebben dan laboratoria.

Wat zijn de stramienmaten?

Veelal 8.10 x 8,10m

Welke voorzieningen zijn er op het ADD?

– Foodcourt
– Fitness ruimte
– Coworking faciliteiten
– Meditation hall
– Buurthuis
– Gezondheidscentrum
– Broedplaatsen
– Short Stay appartementen
– Vrije markt woningen

Welke mogelijkheden zijn er personeel te kunnen huisvesten?

Huurders is fase 1 krijgen voorrang op de short-stay en vrije markt woningen in fase 2. Hierover kunnen afspraken gemaakt worden.

Hoe lang kan je een short stay woning huren?

Minimaal 1 maand en maximaal 12 maanden

Welke geluidsvoorzienigen hebben julliie genomen bij de woningen?

Alle woningen op het ADD zijn voorzien van dove gevels met de Amsterdamse geluidsloggia’s waardoor een goed leefklimaat binnen de woningen gegarandeerd is.

Is er al iets bekend over de energiehuishouding van de gebouwen?

Dit moet nog uitontwikkeld worden. Wij streven naar een Paris Proof gebouw

Hoe is het parkeren geregeld, kan je abonnementen kopen?

Er is een 2-laags ondergrondse parkeergarage voorzien onder de gebouwen van fase 1 met 254 autoparkeerplaatsen. 15% van de 254 autoparkeerplaatsen is voorzien van een laadpaal. Gebruikers kunnen een abonnement nemen tegen marktconforme tarieven. Ook zijn er gratis ondergrondse fietsenstallingen voorzien.

Zijn er terrassen en openbare daktuinen beschikbaar?

Deze zijn beschikbaar op de volgende locaties:

– Er is een buitenterras met “Roof Bar” voorzien op de 2e verdieping van gebouw 1 The Dream
– Een buitenterras is voorzien op het kadeplein voor gebouw 6 The Narrative.
– Er is een daktuin voorzien op het dak van de laagbouw gebouw 2 The Energy
– Er is een daktuin voorzien op het dak van gebouw 4 The Inspiration

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Please leave your name and email if you are inspired to become the best boss and give your employees the opportunity to work in a thriving workspace. You’ll be the first to receive more information about this new sustainable and creative space.